Saturday, October 3, 2009

Peeing Lady

So we had a customer come in who put her coat down and then couldn't find it so she started freaking out on us. We finally found it and gave it to her but on her way out she turned to one of the stock guys and said, "do you want to sit on my coat too!?" the stock guy was in shock but replied, "i'm a human being, don't talk to me that way." She was taken aback and left.

The next day I'm on cash when a sales person runs over to tell me that the woman is back and she's peeing on the floor! It takes a moment to understand what he's saying and when I do I don't really want to see. I go over just as the woman is leaving. It turns out she came in, wearing a dress, squatted at the front of the store and began to pee. She then asked a customer for toilet paper before walking out, shaking her leg on the way out! The other customers were all in shock and we were left with a huge puddle on the floor.

The next day one of the sales people ran into her on the street with no top or bra on. She is always dressed nicely but obviously something's wrong!

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